Inventory Management
RationalTabs Inventory Management solution enables companies to manage their inventory on daily basis. This solution has been adopted by companies hastily, as they need to keep proper record for items purchased and sent out.
Since inventory management is all about keeping track of your stock i.e. what you have in your warehouse and where exactly it is located. This solution needs to be integrated with back- office systems because an inventory management system without being integrated with back office systems cannot effectively optimize your inventory. Thus in order to optimize inventory management top most companies make sure to integrate their inventory software with back-office and accounting system. After this integration process companies will be able to plan affectively, execute predictably and also minimize labor costs and errors with they may have to face in manual process.
Our solution is focused on keeping track for ongoing process which includes moving parts and products into and out of a company. It’s very necessary for organizations to keep overall view of their business as it will help them to identify problems at early stage. Companies need to know when they need to replenish their stocks without overdoing it, as they need to meet their targets continuously. Our company has come up with a better solution which is affordable and adequate enough for all kinds of businesses .Or solution possesses features which are simple enough for new and small scale business to control, along with that with time our solution can be customized in order to fit increasing complex needs each year.